biodegradable plastic granules

biodegradable plastic granules

Degradable plastics refer to a class of plastics whose product properties can meet the requirements for use

Degradable plastics refer to a class of plastics whose product properties can meet the requirements for use, whose properties remain unchanged during the preservation period, and which can be degraded into environmentally sound substances under natural environmental conditions after use. Therefore, they are also called environmentally degradable plastics.
Degradable plastic granules are made of PBAT+PLA+mineral powder and other substances, which can meet the requirements of single-sided blown film thickness of 0.015mm0.025mmm. It can be widely used in the manufacture of shopping bags, handbags, undershirt bags, garbage bags, industrial bags, rolled bags, courier bags and so on.
Degraded plastics are used in two main areas: first, the original use of ordinary plastics in the field. In these areas, the use or consumption of plastic products are difficult to collect will cause harm to the environment, such as agricultural film and disposable plastic packaging, and the second is to replace other materials in the field of plastic. The use of degradable plastics in these areas can bring convenience, such as golf courses with ball spikes, tropical rainforest afforestation with seedlings fixed materials. Specific applications in:
1, agriculture, forestry and fisheries, mulch, water retention materials, seedling pots, seedbeds, rope nets, pesticides and agricultural fertilizers slow-release materials.
2、Packaging industry, shopping bags, garbage bags, compost bags, disposable lunch boxes, instant noodle bowls, cushioning packaging materials.
3、Sporting goods, golf course spikes and seats.
4、Hygiene products, women’s hygiene products, baby diapers, medical mattress pads, disposable beard knife.
5、Medical materials, bandages, clips, swabs, gloves, drug release materials, and surgical sutures and fracture fixation materials.

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